Pausing to paint

We all need “a thing” and this silly little hobby is mine! I take my paints with me anywhere I think I’ll have a little time to whip something up!
I’m not very skilled or professionally trained but something about mindlessly letting the colored water spread out across the thick, course paper is calming and exciting.

Most recently, I went to Alaska and took my painting pouch (thx Yomi!) on the planes and ferry and what a fun little treat to pass some time!

You can find premade blank watercolor paper postcards in a tiny + a travel set of really nice watercolor paints at any local or online art supply shop!
[LANSING LOCALS: try Odd Nod in Old Town! I know they got the goodies!]

Anywhooot! Hope you find your THING to enjoy to keep those busy hands creating! :) Love you!

ps: Welcome to my cool new website! I’m so pumped to have a happy place to share my joy w you! <3


practice remembering